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Python is on its way to become the top programming language of 2020

Python is on its way to become the top programming language of 2020

what is python?
                            Python is an interpreted, object oriented programming language similar to PERL, that has gained popularity because of its readability and clear syntax. Python offers ready-made class, dynamic data type and interfaces to many system calls and libraries. It can be increase using C or C++ language.

                       In order to tell the computer ` what you want to do` , we write a program in a language which computers can understand. Though there are many different programming languages such as BASIC , Pascal, c, c++, java, Haskell, python, ruby, etc. but we will study python in this topic.
Before learning the technicalities of python , lets get familiar with it.
Python was created by Guido van Rossum when he was working at CWI (centrum wiskunde and Informatica ) , which is national research institute for mathematics and computer science in netherland. The language was released in 1991. Python got its name from a BBC comedy series from seventies-`` monty python`s flying circus``. Python can be used to follow both procedural approach and object oriented approach of programing. It is free to use

Some of the chracterstics which make python so popular are as follows:
  1. It is general purpose programming language which can be used for both scientific and non scientific programming.
  2. It is a platform independent programming language.
  3. It is very simple high level language with vast library of add-on modules.
  4. It is excellent for beginners as the language is interpreted , hence gives immediate results.
  5. The program written in python are easily readable and understandable.
  6. It is suitable as an extension language for customizable applications.
  7. It is easy to learn and use.

The language used by companies in real revenue generating products, such as :is 

  1. In operations of Google search engine, youtube, etc.
  2. Bit torrent peer to peer file sharing is written using python.
  3. Intel , cisco, HP, IBM, etc use python for hardware testing.
  4. Maya provides a python scripting API.
  5. I-robots uses python to develop commercial Robot.
  6. NASA and others uses python for their scientific programing task. 

Python`s journey to becoming no. 1 in programming language

                                     Python was already programming language of the year 2019, but its fame keeps growing. This is mainly due to scarcity of programmers in the world and the ease of learning this language if compared to other language. C language is now also doing well thanks to the rise of (IOT) Inernet of things. Why c# and java are doing well is unclear , but it would be the first time that c# becomes the programming language of the year. Python is on its way to become the number one programming language of 2020.

Top 10 list of programming language of December 2019 are as follows 
  1. Java
  2. C
  3. python 
  4. c++
  5. c#
  6. visual
  7. javascript
  8. PHP
  9. SQL
  10. Swift
Lets see will python take the kingship again or not in next month


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