python for everyone



                       Today every IT professional talks about python programming language. Today every IT company investing on python technologies and hiring python professionals. Today most of the school and universities are introduce python as a programming language as part of their circular.

Why python is so popular?

                          Python is programming language like c++, java, PHP. Python as structure python use  like  C programming. Python as object oriented python use like java programming. So python is not new it is their for long time. So why is so populertoday? And why everybody wants to get into python. The reason being all the traditional technology become more and more absolute or less use day by day. Where in all the new technologies growing fast.  And most of the companies investing on the new technologies. Many of the people wants to jumps up their career or upskill themselves into the new technologies. Opportunatly, python being chosen as preferred  language in most of the new technologies.

What next?
                                It can be use in multiple field for example, python can use for web development. Python can be use for artificial inelligance (AI), SCRIPTING FOR SOFTWARE DEVLOPMENT.  It can be use at multiple places. The first thing you have to do after learning python is build a small project. It may be a calculator. May be a system where user entered the number and you can guess the second number like that. You can build small games. But you really want to use python in real world, we have to decide which field you want to choose. For example, you want to be web developer. Yes we have an option of HTMP, JAVA, JAVASCRIPT,CSS using which you can design pages. But what if  you want to be  backend programming.  That’s why we are using python.
1.       Next projects
2.       Example code
3.       Advice
4.       Vedios
5.       Quation answer
6.       Tutorials
7.       Discussion
8.       News
9.       Installing liabraries
10.   Creating website
11.   Graphical software
Which companies use python?
            It`s time to consider which companies use python and why
1.       Spotify
2.       Survey monkey
3.       Instagram
4.       Amazon
5.       Facebook
6.       Apple
7.       Google
8.       Youtube

   Top important use of python
1.       Robust standard  library
2.       Acess of database
3.       Simplify coplex software development.
4.       Multiple programming paradigms
5.       Compatible with major platform and systesms.
6.       Code readability
7.       Many open source frameworks and tools.

Opportunities in python career
                                        Each and every yhings changes quickly in this digital platform. In programming language python is becoming top day by day. If you think that do learn this language then you will be satisfy to know that learning the python programming language offers various benefits. By learning this language, you can give your career a new path.

Python is one of those rare languages which can claim to be both  and powerful and simple. You will find yourself pleasantly surprised to see how easy it is to concentrate on the solution tothe problem rather than the   structure structure of the language you are programming in.


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